History Adventour

Roberth Rondon
3 min readJun 24, 2021

This is an adventure that my colleagues and I started, and it is a mobile and web application project for visitors and tourists in the city of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia.

Our initial purpose was to help tourists and visitors to the city to interact with the historical sites, monuments and arts that are in the city, since many foreign people do not find the information in their native language.

I mean, at first I didn’t have a team, I specialize in software development on the backend side and my colleagues were in need of someone like me, who liked that aspect of software development. The institution allowed teams of two and three people maximum. So they offered me the opportunity to join their team like backend member and I took it. I mean, it was a good decision because we exchanged a lot of ideas and roles were very clear, I would be building the backend of the application.

Our team consisted of Jose Ramirez, Julian Archbold and myself.

Originally the idea was born from Jose, so we met, discussed the roles, we chose Jose as the team leader, since it was his original idea, he would develop the mobile part and our last member Julian would build the frontend of the web.

My job then consisted in doing the backend, which allowed me to use new technologies for me, such as firebase. Using authentication, firestore database and functions as services (FaaS). Our approach for the backend was to make a serverless service, taking advantage of all the benefits of the google cloud. Here is the architecture of the project.

With this implementation the project is available to be scalable using google cloud resources.

The functions as a service (FaaS) was built with Node js, Express Js and Java Script, these technologies were nice for me, as they are easy to learn and manage.

The firestore database is non-relational. However, for an understanding of the different documents we made a relational type model, to have clarity of the implementation. Here we had a team meeting, which was productive and enjoyable. We had fun doing this work.

The most technical challenge for me was learn how to work with firebase from console because this technology is relativity new for me.

There was other technical challenge that Jose and Julian resolve, like to learn how to use unity and 3d image modeling.

I learned very much about nodejs and expressjs, and of course Java Script, I think I can build any application only using this language. The future for me is the web and develop me like a full stack software engineer pass to take control and dominate this language.

If you read until here. I just want to say thank you. And remember the adventure has just begun. The best is yet to come.

“Hasta la vista Baby”

Roberth Rondón: Management, Sofia Mariana Dad, Full Stack Software Developer, Computers Lover.



Roberth Rondon

Software Developer with experience in Telecommunications. He likes educate young people in technologies and others topics.s